Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Arctic Analogies

Today we read Animalogies: a Collection of Animal Analogies. A group has also been working on Who Lives Here? Polar Animals. We combined both books by writing analogies about Polar Animals.

Antler is to caribou as tusk is to Walrus

Whale is to fish as polar bear is to seal.

Fur is to artic fox as waterproof feather is to penguin.

Blubber is to beluga as shaggy fur is to the musk ox.

Fur is to polar bear as feather is to snowy owl.

Hoof is to musk ox as talon is to snowy owl.

Tundra is to caribou as beluga is to Ocean.

Beak is to snowy owl and tusk is to Walrus.

Chick is to penguin and calf is to walrus.

Wing is to penguin and flipper is to walrus.

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