Friday, December 5, 2008

Poetry in Science

There are patterns in nature and patterns in poetry. How do patterns help animals adapt? Watch this movie to find out.

We've been reading science with our ears tuned to poetry. On Friday morning, a group of children went through nonfiction books and searched for poetic writing. We recorded what we found on post its. When you mix up ten lines of poetry that come from different places it is called a cento. Here is our Science Cento.

Wood boring beetles burrow under the bark..

Many fatten themselves

They don't see the harvest mice scampering under the branches...

The summer moon rises over the hill. A lone coyote howls.

Branches break, limbs splinter, leaves scatter.

A shadow passes over the frog.

A little brown bat dips and dives to snatch moths and mosquitos.

Slowly, a lush green blanket of moss carpets the rotting log

Fruits and nuts abound

Small ants trailing over the ground, bulldozing dry earth into cave and mound.

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