We have had a wonderful time getting to know William Shakespeare and the characters he created in The Tempest, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Macbeth. We have also been learning about letters, voice, and punctuation. It has been fun! Where there's 'Will,' there's a way! Enjoy reading these letters.
As Scribed by Ravenel:
Dear Prospero,
Meet me in the woods. Leave Miranda with Ferdinand and let them go into the woods by themselves and roam around for awhile while we talk. I was just thinking that Miranda and Ferdinand might get married. I'm just guessing.
Dear Ariel,
I was thinking so, also, about Miranda and Ferdinand. I'm writing with the wind blowing in my face. "I knew I loved him as soon as I gazed into his eyes," she said to me, "Thank you for letting me meet Ferdinand." That's what she said. Tomorrow, I'll meet you.
As Scribed by Kenan:
Dear Prospero, I have brought Ferdinand to you. I have caused your brother Antonio and the King of Naples misery and have turned myself into a pack of wolves and chased them to you. I hope you appreciate what I've done.
Your Trusty Sprite,
Dear Ariel,
Thank you for bringing Ferdinand to me and causing Antonio and the King of Naples misery and for chasing them to me. Because of all that, I grant you your freedom.
Yours Truly,
As Scribed By Cece Dauer
Dear Sprites,
I....I mean...we have been freed (except for Caliban). Tomorrow we must meet at the mushroom house. I will bring a wolf skin canvas and a moss blanket and a carpet. Bring berries, fruits, water, bread, wood, and more skins if you have any (don't bring your own doors).
I have a bag of orange berries that we could use to stain the canvas. Please bring wood so we can make a boat. I might bring extra berries for our boat ride. Oh, there are some of Prospero's magic books behind the tree with the violet scratch.

As Scribed by John
Dear Antonio,
I think... I know you should apologize to me! You pushed me AND my own helpless daughter, making it worse, into the perilous, merciless sea. You will come to the Middle Isle. You will know my wrath. I hope you understand my calling... my warning of a tempest.
P.S. Seriously, I will let you forever remember my wrath if you do not restore my place as the Duke of Milan.
As Scribed by Thomas::
Dear Lady Macbeth,
We will kill the king tonight and put the blood on the guards and then you will be the queen and I will be the king. Then we will be rich. And powerful. We will have everything we want forever, and ever, and ever, and ever. I'll see you at the castle tonight. Your face is as white as snow. You are so sweet. And bad. And sweet. We will be the baddest and goodest king and queen.
As Scribed by James:
Dear Lady Macbeth,
These three ugly witches said I could be king! King of Scotland!
Dear Macbeth,
The way to be king of Scotland is you got to kill the king Scotland. Come home right away.
Lady Macbeth
Dear Lady Macbeth,
He is family to me. I will not kill him.
Dear Macbeth,
You will have to, that is the only way for you to be king of Scotland
Lady Macbeth
As Scribed by Kemonte:
From the Journal of Banquo:
I was riding my horse with Macbeth. I was riding my horse when I saw the witches. It was like I was in a dream, no... it was like I was dead when I saw them. I saw King Duncan dead. I was surprised to see this. Macbeth is wrong about all of this. He is so rude.
As Scribed by Josie:Dear Oberon, O my gosh! I fell in love with a human soul! Well, I think I did or it was a dream. It must have been a dream, because I was caught in a fog and woke up from some kind of... I don't know, but it seemed like a dream. The human might have been part ass. I think the fog was real. I n my dream, I ordered my servants to make a flower crown. O and how his singing was lovely. He was so handsome, but it was only a dream.
P.S. I hope on my next dream I meet him again, and shrink him to fairy size.
Dear Titania,
He must have been in a dream for there is no more handsome man than I. I will make you have the dream again if you describe him.Love,
As Scribed by AriannaDear Helena,I hope your life with Demetrius is good. I am going to a ROYAL ball! I have to get my to get my hair done and get a new dress. I am allowed to bring one guest and his or her escort. I am inviting you and Demetrius. Do you want to go? The ballis Friday at 7:00 PM. It ends at ll:00 PM. Please respond by Thursday.

Dear Hermia,
I would love to go to the ball. You are very sweet for asking me. Demitrius would love to go, too. Is Lysander going? You are my best friend. I am starting my own dress shop. I want to know if you could help me run it?
As Scribed by Lenny
Dear Hermia,
I have a plan. we shall flee to the forest, get married, and run away from your father. Do not tell anyone. Please write back.
Dear Lysander,
When shall we run away? And I'm sorry, but I told Helena we are going to the forest, but don't you fret. She promised not to tell anyone.
Dear Hermia,
I think our escape should be at the crack of dawn, so you father does not lay eyes upon us. Please hurry.
Dear Diary,
The mist swirled around us. The clashing of swords banged together. Two men. Two women. Fighting. It began to get quiet. Our eyelids drooped. We fell asleep and awoke in the morn. Two couples. Happy. Loving. Together. It is love.
As Scribed by Keyvonna
Dear Lysander,
I thought you were nice when I saw you, When I saw you I thought, "Whew!" But I was too shy. I am running in the woods and I am scared. Help me. Please save me, Lysander. I'm walking, I'm walking. Will I see you?
Dear Helena,
Now I am so happy that you like me. I am on my way back to you, so don't walk anymore. If you walk deeper in the woods, you'll never get out. So stop, OK? I don't want to be in the woods. I ususally stay out of the woods. Now where am I?
As Scribed by Silas
Dear Nick,
You freaked us out! When you came into the clearing, Brrrrrr. It was so freaky! The reason everyone

ran was because you had the head of an ass. Please don't turn into donkey-man again! When that happened it ... it just sent a chill down my back.